Intracoastal Cassie

Intracoastal Cassie
Cruising Wonderdog

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 29-31 - Historic Triangle - Jamestown

So,our main reason for stopping at Hampton, VA was to rent a car and head into Virginia history. Ready!

The British history in America pretty-much began and ended in the Historic Triangle of Jamestown, Yorktown and Williamburg.

Jamestown is the spot, in 1607, on which Capt John Smith landed with about 150 people and this was the start of British presence in the area. They were there to figure a way to make money for the crown in the new world. Capt Smith nearly died of illness a year later but, legend says, Pocahontas cured him and saved his life. The old fort/town area of Jamestown is an active excavation site so they are still putting the pieces together of the original settlers and the later well-established settlement of Jamestown. The area has a mix of the 1607 "town" and the later, larger town of pre-Revolutionary war days. It is a very small area so perfect for my short-attention span husband.

Towards the end of our visit to Jamestown we noticed a crazy little bird flaring its tailfeathers and doing this dance in front of Cassie. It kept doing it and doing it. It looked like it was trying to taunt Cass but I'm sure it just wanted to look big and scarey.

Next stop Williamsburg.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should write a book about your trip for the boating community. Seriously. If you titled it "inter coastal Cassie wonder dog it would be a best seller. All is well here. Lots of rain. We send love. Diane
