Intracoastal Cassie

Intracoastal Cassie
Cruising Wonderdog

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 35 - 36 - Annapolis, MD

It was a bit of a rough day along the Chesapeake especially crossing past the Potomac River. But, Capt Bob smartly tucked behind a larger boat for an hour or two until it settled down.

As you get closer to Annapolis, the Chesapeake narrows, it was nearly perfectly flat for the last couple hours of the journey.

Entering into Annapolis by water is really impressive - you can see the important tall buildings of the town and naval academy and there are beautiful boats (mostly sailboats) everywhere you look.

We enjoyed two days of nice strolls around the downtown area. It is such a pretty place. We arrived on a Sunday and town was packed but Monday brought a little more space and a chance to explore.

We had a great spot at the Yacht Basin Marina (right next to the Annapolis Yacht Club). We were surrounded by impressive boats and daily duck visits - Cass was on full "duck alert".

On Monday, I talked Bob into the short walk over to the Naval Academy. The buildings have such intricate details and the grounds are so well kept. Above are pictures of the chapel courtyard (when the plebes return from their summer sail, they are upgraded to youngster when they can see the cross of the chapel from the harbor), foyer of the memorial hall, and some of the cadet housing.

Below are pictures of The Battle of Midway memorial, senior professor housing (not bad!), and the perfect hydrangas of USNA.

My favorite picture that I took in Annapolis was of the traditional working sailing boat of the Chesapeake - the skipjack or catboat of this area. It is just so pretty...even at the dock!!

Tomorrow, Chesapeake City, MD!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun and very interesting journey. HI to Bob and Cass!

  2. Hi. Happy fourth of July. Annapolis looks beautiful. I love the picture of Cassie on alert. We are up in Essex and are thinking we might commute this week. We send tons of love. Stay well. Diane
