Intracoastal Cassie

Intracoastal Cassie
Cruising Wonderdog

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 9 - Tourist Day in St. Augustine

St. Augustine is the oldest city in America.  In 1513 Ol' Ponce de Leon landed here and declared the land for Spain and named in Pascua Florida.   The Spanish, French and British battled over the early years here as it was such a useful port for ships bringing "treasures" from the new world back to Europe.  The central square has the structure that once held the oldest marketplace and this marketplace is where the "weights system" for food was established.  Tons of history so I won't bore you anymore. 

Enjoy our photos in which we attempted to capture this pretty city.....

St. Augustine's oldest house property....original home (1650) was burned by British in 1702
and current stone home built soon after

The Bridge of Lions guard...note municipal marina behind. 

Cass and Bob off to check the boat

Castillo de San the heart of Historic St. Augustine

Flagler College

Cassie did not know what to make of the Horse-drawn carriages

One of many streets we happily strolled along

Tomorrow's destnation is Fernandina Beach.....just 61 statute miles away....we are almost out of Florida!

1 comment:

  1. St. Augustine looks wonderful. We will have to stop there on one of our drives down to Key West.
    Love the pictures and it is terrific to check on you via your blog on a daily basis. Chippy the Chipmunk is back in the courtyard in Easton providing entertainment for Bingo and Tess. You can hear him in the bird seed bag getting his breakfast. So I took a container and put some seed it in and he just jumps right in. Pretty soon he will be eating out of my hand, as most men do, Ha Ha Ha. That was suppose to be a funny. Anyway, leaving work shortly heading up to Essex. Lots going on up there at the house. Megan is coming up to put in a new front door, as the people that lived there have a doggie door in there front door, yes, that a human could crawl through, ie; men eating out of my hand, yes, another funny. The weather is beautiful today, did you see the news on the tornado that hit Springfield Ma. YIKES Well, we look forward to your next posting and send love. Rod and Diane
